September 26, 2024

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Message from the mark of the beast designer

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Verichip, the Bite of the Serpent

Microchip Implants and 666 – Epi, Charagma, and Chi-Xi-Stigma

There are many people out there pointing to implantable microchips to fit the role of the Mark of the Beast. Most of the time Biblical evidence to support such claims is lacking. One may even begin to think that such support doesn’t exist. But if we look closely at the Greek words directly associated with the Mark of the Beast, such as EpiCharagma, and Chi-Xi-Stigma, it becomes clear that Biblical support for such a mark is very strong.

Epi – Looking into the Language of Revelation

One of the most common claims against a microchip implant is that the Mark of the Beast is supposed to be “on” the hand or forehead and not “in” the hand or forehead. Do Revelation 13:16Revelation14:9-10, and Revelation 20:4 refer to a mark in the body or on the body?

The overwhelming majority of available translations opt for on. In fact, most modern versions use on. In contrast, all early versions from 1380 to 1833 side with in. That includes Wycliffe’s Bible (1380), Tyndale’s (1525), Coverdale’s (1535), The Bishop’s Bible (1568), The Geneva Bible (1587), the much beloved King James Version (1611), Wesley’s Bible (1755), and finally Webster’s Bible (1883). It wasn’t until Darby’s Bible in 1890 that doubt was cast against in.

It’s not easy to discard the work of early Christian martyrs, or the 54 scholars that painstakingly translated the KJV by committee [1], as well as the work of the wordsmith Noah Webster, a man who single-handedly wrote his own dictionary [2]. It would be foolish to write off such faith and dedication in favor of modern versions whose paid translators didn’t have the foresight to see how “in” could actually make sense.

According to Strong’s Concordance [3], both “in” and “on” are valid translations of the Greek word epi. Epi’s many definitions include “into”, “in a place”, and “among”, all of which perfectly describe the placement of modern day RFID implants such as Applied Digital Solution’s Verichip. The microchips are easily injected “into” the body, “in a place” of the hand or forehead, and remains “among” the flesh.

A syringe will also leave a puncture mark on the surface of the skin, which may even scar depending on the size and shape of the puncture. Payment watches and rings would also be considered on the hand or wrist. Phones which are now capable of secure payments via NFC technology could be considered in the hand. Any of these technologies could fulfill the requirement of the Mark of the Beast to buy and sell, but only an injected microchip will prevent loss or theft.

Strong’s definition of “among” really starts to make sense when one considers the patented BioBond [4]coating that enables the surrounding tissues to fuse with an otherwise smooth glass capsule. BioBond was a solution to the problem of RFID microchips migrating when implanted under the skin of household pets. This coating makes microchip implants very difficult to remove without surgery. In other words, like the Verichip, the Mark of the Beast is likely to remain permanently once implanted.


Charagma – The Mark in Mark of the Beast

The Greek word for mark is charagmaStrong’s Concordance defines charagma as “a scratch or etching”“a badge of servitude”“graven”, and finally “mark” [5]. Strong’s also notes that charagma is directly related to the Greek word charax, which means “to sharpen to a point” and also describes “a stake” [6].

As noted above, one of the definitions of Charagma is gravenThe American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines graven as follows: “1. To sculpt or carve; engrave. 2. To stamp or impress deeply; fix permanently.”

Liddell and Scott’s An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon defines charagma as “the mark of a pointed instrument, a tattoo-mark, brand” [7].

From these definitions we get a clear picture of a surface being pierced by a sharp point, or the act of using a tool to engrave. The relationship between the Mark of the Beast (charagma) and a syringe that pierces the skin is obvious. It’s also been noted that a microchip is etched or engraved during it’s production [8].

The definitions of charagma — coupled with the fact that subdermal microchips are injected using a specialized syringe — make it clear that the Mark of the Beast could very well be a microchip implanted into the hand.

The earliest use of the word Charagma outside of the Bible describes the piercing bite of a snake. There’s a disturbing connection between the piercing serpent Satan (Isaiah 27:1), the “bite of the serpent” (charagma), and syringe-injectable microchips. This verse brings to mind the serpent in Revelation 20:2 which gives power to the Beast (Revelation 13:4).

“[Charagma] is an engraved, etched, branded or inscribed ‘mark’ or ‘sign’. Closest to the original sense[…] is the earliest example in Soph. Phil., 267, where [charagma] denotes the bite of a snake.”
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (vol 9, page 416)

“any mark engraved, imprinted, or branded, ch. echidnes the serpent’s mark, i.e. its bite, sting”
Charagma – Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon

A serpent's fang compared to the Verichip and syringe

I challenge you to think of something in the natural world that resembles a syringe more closely than the fang of a snake!

The book of Amos mentions the day of the Lord and a serpent bite to the hand in consecutive verses. The lion and bear mentioned in the same passage also bring to mind the beast in Revelation13:2. This may foreshadow the Mark of the Beast in the last days.

Amos 5:

  1. Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
  2. As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.

There’s an important warning in verse 18 about desiring the last days. Even though we may recogize the signs of the times, we should in no way desire or try to hasten them because they are full of pain and suffering. Consider the following:

He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him. Ecclesiastes 10:8

A hedge symbolizes protection, so let God take care of you! It may prove to be a blessing to give your life rather than accept the bite of the serpent, the charagma, the Mark of the Beast.

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Revelation 20:4

Chi-Xi-Stigma – Six Hundred Threescore and Six – 666

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18

Early Biblical translators chose to spell out the number 666 – Six hundred threescore and six. This is one of the rare exceptions in the English Bible where a number is spelled out instead of using a numeric representation. This treatment of 666 brings focus to the individual characters which allow us to gain a further understanding of the Mark of the Beast.

If we look at the Greek we see that 666 is presented with three letters: Chi – Xi – Stigma. The numeric values of these three Greek letters add up to 666.

Xi Chi Stigma = 600 60 6 = 666

It should be noted that stigma is based on the ancient Greek digamma and must not be confused with the modern Greek sigma. It carried the meaning of “‘a mark, dot, puncture’ or generally ‘a sign’, from the verb στίζω (‘to puncture’)” [9], as well as “[a] mark from a pointed instrument, often as a sign of ownership: mark, brand, tattoo.” [10]

Strong’s Concordance gives stigma the following definition: “to ‘stick’ … a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership) … mark.”

The definitions of stigma and charagma are remarkably similar. They both support the idea of a pointed instrument used to inject a microchip.

Stigma has also made it into the English language where it’s defined as “a mark of infamy or disgrace”. There’s an obvious carryover from it’s use in Revelation.

Token of Perdition

Philippians 1:

  1. And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.
  2. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;

Security tokenAnother intriguing definition of stigma in it’s English usage is “token”. Anyone familiar with digital security will recognize a token as a physical device that’s used to gain various levels of access [11]. That’s exactly what a microchip implant is &em; a security token.

In three factor authentication this is known as “what you have”. The other two factors are “what you know” – as in a password, pin, etc.; and “what you are” – as in biometrics; primarily face, iris, fingerprint, or vein scanning [12]. Like microchips used for identification, a security token almost always carries a unique number on it. One must wonder if this somehow relates to the three factor allegience to the Beast (Revelation 13:17).

The following news excerpts demonstrate the welcoming of such a security token.

Ultimately, the ideal solution for merchants will be a reader that is based on an open standard and capable of accepting each card’s contactless token.The convergence of contactless payment

“I wanted to get chipped,” he says. “It’s entirely up to me what I put on my chip, I’ve been involved with authentication for 20 years, working with biometrics, and I was promoting the token. Now I am the token.”RFID is literally getting under people’s skin

That was well over a decade ago and now these contactless tokens come standard in most credit cards and phones. Stores are readily able to accept such tokens regardless of whether they’re embedded in plastic or flesh. The buying and selling is in place. How much longer until implanted security tokens become mainstream?

The definition of “token” for stigma provides a hint that the mark will be readily adopted due its close relationship to money, identification, and commerce. And where any of these are found, security is close by. Security will play a significant role in selling the Mark of the Beast (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

What’s in a Name

There’s another notable correlation between the microchips and Chi-Xi-Stigma (666). One of the earliest public faces of implantable payments was Digital Angel. Due to the alarming character of the technology it was quickly discovered that the Digital Angel logo contained a hidden but obvious 666 [13]. See the image below and also note the light that is centered on the forehead.

An early Digital Angel logo forms a 666

Digital Angel isn’t the only product with a name or logo that links to 666. The connection between 666 and acquired products seems to have become a trend. If nothing else, they add to the mounting evidence which reveals the nature of the Mark of the Beast and 666. It’s hard to write these off as mere coincidence.

eXI Wireless, Somark Innovations, and Xmark Systems LogosOne such company is eXI Wireless. Remember that Xi is the 60 in 666. Another is Xmark (who’s products include WatchMate and Hugs). The similarities are obvious. Also worth mentioning is Somark Innovations, a company that manufactures invisible RFID ink used to tattoo cattle for tracking [14].

Even though Xi and Chi haven’t carried into English like Stigma has, they still provide some insight into the Mark. Chi is depicted as an uppercase X and is used to symbolize Christ [15]. This possibly hints at the Antichrist’s likening to a lamb with two horns (Revelation 13:11), referring to his probable Christian facade or promises of peace.

Many Eastern traditions also hold that Chi is an internal energy flow. While traditionally a spiritual belief, it’s still an interesting fact that future versions of these microchips could be powered by an internal energy source like Thermo Life.

The Greek letters Stigma and Xi are similar in shape to a snake.The shape of Xi as written in Greek shares a close likeness to a curled up snake ready to strike. Stigma also resembles a serpent that is coiled and ready to strike. This is another hint to Charagma as the bite of a serpent. And as noted by one of our readers, the antenna located in a microchip is a coil of wire.


  • The Greek epi can be translated as “in” or “on”, both are valid. Epi can also be translated as “into”, “in a place”, and “among”. All English versions prior to 1890 translate epi as in.
  • The Greek charagma is translated “a scratch or etching”, “a badge of servitude”, “graven”, and “mark”. Charagma is also closely related to charax which means “to sharpen to a point”.
  • The English word graven (one of the defintions of charagma as listed above) is defined as “To sculpt or carve; engrave” and “To stamp or impress deeply; fix permanently.”
  • The earliest use of the word charagma outside of the Bible describes the piercing bite of a snake. The fang of a snake closely resembles the syringe used to implant the Verichip.
  • The number 666 was written in the original Greek with the letters chi xi stigma (600 60 6).
  • The Greek stigma is defined as “to ‘stick'”, “a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership)”, and “mark.” This definition is very close to that of the Greek charagma.
  • The Greek letters chi and xi both resemble a snake ready to strike. This coincides with charagmaas the bite of a snake and the “piercing serpent” Satan who is associated with the Beast of the sea.
  • Stigma made it into the English language where it’s defined as “a mark of infamy or disgrace”.

Charagma, epi, and chi-xi-stigma (666) all have important meanings. They paint the clear picture of a surface being punctured by a sharp point. After studying the Greek words its easy to see that the Mark of the Beast could be closely related to microchip implants like the Verichip which are injected through a syringe and are used heavily in commerce.

It’s hard to ignore these similarities when the Verichip has already been used to buy and sell. We must honestly weigh all the evidence when considering such a possibilty. It’s much more than just hype and coincidence so take heed.

Mark 13:

  1. Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?
  2. And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
  3. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Read your Bible!
Verses referenced in this study:

  • Ecclesiastes 10:8
  • Isaiah 27:1
  • Amos 5:18-19
  • Mark 13:4-6
  • Philippians 1:28-29
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:3
  • Revelation 13:2; 13:4; 13:11; 13:16-18; 14:9-10; 20:2; 20:4

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