Coaching leaders

No matter which way I look at this network , I have come to the conclusion that there is no way to bring this vision to fruition except by fulfilling the great commission which is as the Lord himself said ” Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations ” . I am called to disciple the nations into the vision which the Lord himself has entrusted to me. To us ! I’ve been contemplating a way to bring about the establishment of this vision without forfeiting anything and giving Jesus Christ the Glory for it’s establishment. It is only by and through the discipleship of believing followers that this network will be established to His glory.
What does this mean ? It means that I need to , as apostle Paul did who went from city to city with the gospel, find those who agree’d with him and partnered with him to establish the vision he was entrusted with. The Lord will tell me where to go first and what to do in order to establish His victory. Which is a victory the world has yet to see in this century. ” What ? ” you say ? ” Are we not doing as he said already ? ” Some of you are but not all of you . There is a tremendous disgrace within the body which has to be rectified. How can so many millions be hauled in Sunday after Sunday and the world is still in such chaos ? We are called to bring order out of chaos. I don’t see any order being created out of chaos. People would rather vote for a political party than support the work of the ministry. I see allot of flowery words but there is no wisdom in the stewarding of the resources entrusted to the body or the spreading of the correct Gospel.
The people are hungry for a victory , the same victory the world feared when they said ” Oh no , those that have turned the world upside down are now here too ” > The world doesn’t fear us anymore. They aren’t upset when we arrive. Why are the not upset ? They simply don’t care. They don’t care because our gospel is powerless and our works bear very little fruit. There is no healthy fear of God anymore.
What do I aim to do ? I aim to find a specific man of God in every city who isn’t going to give me lip and who would run with the vision. I don’t appreciate opposition from whoever because who isn’t for me is against me and whoever doesn’t gather with me scatters abroad. It’s that simple. I hear a cacophony of voices shooting in the dark with a powerless gospel. Their works are even less powerful than their gospel and the news they spread is not focused into a movement that brings unity.
We need to be the salt and light the world is looking for . The vision is simple, establish the gospel within a believing christian who will be a willing vessel to His glory in every city of the world. He can then write the good news of what is happening because of his/her faith in Jesus Christ and document it using this very network. He/she can document how the lost are coming in and being part of the vision. The willing vessel can then can then expand the vision within his own city. Those believers who want to join the vision in that particular city will be able to support the willing vessels vision as they in turn are coached and so will they be established. They will build institutions and care for people and do all wonders because of the in grafted word. So what I am saying here is that I aim to coach persons into establishing an agency for this network within every city of the world. Each agency will be responsible for the correct management of their resources and for the uploading of media proclaiming good news. Each agency will generate every good work and report it. And that’s that. It’s the only way.
Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. Instead of getting lost in doctrines. We should not take our eyes off Jesus and what He told us to do. The Cross The Cross! The Cross! and the victories ! we experience because of this finished work of the the cross. And that’s it. This is what Jesus mean’t by the word. The cross says it all. Once you focus on the cross the rest of ‘ the word ‘ , meaning the rest of the bible , makes sense. It’s good news people ! We are to encourage each other with good testimonies resulting from the faith we have in Jesus Christ. We are to document it and share it as faithfully as Luke did it for us. The book of Acts hasn’t ended. It’s ongoing.
My name is Nick Taylorson , I am a believer who wants to see the body of Christ rise up in victory all over the world.