February 18, 2025

The Nikipress News Network

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The Most Surprising LIE on Earth – Full Documentary (2018)

Spread the love What science teaches when it comes to origins, and our world has...
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What science teaches when it comes to origins, and our world has very dark connections to the occult and is more of a religion masquerading as the truth. It’s time for Scientism to be exposed in a way that has never been done before. A very surprising documentary! This film is “Scientism Exposed 2” the anticipated follow-up documentary uncovering the spiritual agenda and deception with the scientific worldview that many teach today as proven truth and fact. To purchase the DVD or Download the film & get the latest news go to: https://celebratetruth.org/ 🔭🔬⚛ 🚀☤ 📡✇ The story of how these film documentaries came about is because so many people believe that what mainstream science is teaching them is fact, there is no debate and the science is settled but is it really? Canadian director Robbie Davidson felt that questioning and exposing mainstream science was important because when he started to investigate evolution, cosmology, and other areas of mainstream science he noticed that what science was teaching as the truth couldn’t be backed up using the scientific method. Robbie wanted to get people doing their own research by providing as many details on these subjects and the spiritual agenda behind it all. What he discovered was that most of what science teaches when it comes to origins, and our world has very dark connections to the occult and is more of a religion masquerading as the truth. It’s time for scientism to be exposed in a way that has never been done before. Get ready for the next installment of the groundbreaking series. To purchase the DVD or Download the film & get the latest news go to: https://celebratetruth.org

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