This two-year-old girl knows something far beyond her years to comprehend—but she’s said it: Jesus Christ is coming back....
Keep focussing on Jesus who died and rose again and you will be inspired. Just like Romain Gosjean who came...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWSG5okmUr8 In this interview, historian and philosopher Dr. Gary Habermas explains the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. We also...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh3B-qVwqlo&app=desktop 02/02/2020 10AM We had the honour of having Lana Vawser at Hope City this Sunday! Lana shared an amazing...
validation valɪˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ noun the action of checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something. "the technique requires validation in...
An Iranian Muslim woman sees Jesus in a dream. She and her family are now strong Christians. Fatima Devanbeigi was...
As a child of God, know that it is your Father’s pleasure to meet all your needs. Jesus Himself tells...