A distant father (Kevin Sorbo) and losing his girlfriend to his best friend (Ben Davies) leads Nathan (Jason Burkey)...
Nicholas Taylorson
(1:06 – Start of Presentation) Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the...
Bananas with brown spots are proven to be healthier than the ones with green peel or the fresh ones...
The Shroud of Turin, the alleged burial cloth of Jesus Christ, is one of the greatest mysteries of Christianity. Is...
On Christmas Eve Michael Karountzos finds out he didn’t get his anticipated promotion and must now deal with fourteen Greek...
I spy with my barreleye, a new Fresh from the Deep! During a dive with our education and outreach partner,...
This two-year-old girl knows something far beyond her years to comprehend—but she’s said it: Jesus Christ is coming back....
Heavenquest: A Pilgrims Progress (2020) | Full Movie | Patrick Thompson | Peta Sergeant | In-Pyo Cha
(Drama, Fantasy, Faith) A regal man named Vangel is thrust on a journey against his will when he is suddenly...